Meet the Team
Coach Lou Perrone
With over 20 years of Coaching & Recruiting experience, Coach Perrone brings a passion and personalization to the student athlete like no other. An Offensive and Defensive Line Coach in 3 States (New York, Florida, Arizona) at both the high school and college level, Coach Perrone has a database with over 6,000 Coaches and 700+ Schools many of which he has a personal relationship with. Coach Perrone works together with Athletes every step throughout the process and sets realistic goals for a life-long successful plan.
Coach Todd Olson
Director of Recruiting
Coach “O” brings 30 years Coaching experience to My Recruits. Many as a College Offensive Line Coach and Recruiting Coordinator. Coach “O” has worked with many Student Athletes at all levels. Coach “O” has worked as an Athletic Director for many years and is one of the most well respected coaches in the college coaching community. 2 of Coach Olson’s sons are currently offensive line coaches at the Division 1 level. The experience he brings to My Recruits is priceless!