More than Football: The Story of Central High School

Central High School Head Coach, Chandler Hovik picking up the pieces to a tragedy-stricken start to his season.

Central High School Head Coach, Chandler Hovik picking up the pieces to a tragedy-stricken start to his season.

There are many times in my 40+ years of this business that I have had some eye-opening moments. Times where I have said “Man, this guy is special!”, times when I was honored to learn from or even be around a coach. 

At approximately 4:30 pm on August 9th, I arrived at Central High School in DownTown Phoenix. Traffic at this hour was just horrific. It was a humid 99 degrees with a stale city smell in the air, but all that stood out to me was the sound of laughter, encouragement and cheers coming from the new red and green turf that is dropped right in the middle of this Phoenix neighborhood. 

Upon arrival, in the distance was the head coach Chandler Hovik. He recognized me and headed over. Hovik is entering his 4th year leading this program. His personality is tough to put into words but let’s just call it contagious. I couldn’t imagine how this man has kept a positive, upbeat attitude with the level of tragedy that he and his team have had in the last few months. 

For those of you that do not know, the Central Football Team has tragically lost two young men that were so inspirational to them. Quortez Conley, brother of 2023 Standout WR/DB Quintin Conley was stabbed to death on the Phoenix Light Rail after watching the varsity scrimmage and cheering his brother on. “Quortez was a promising athlete himself and our biggest fan.” Hovik says. If the loss of Quortez wasn’t enough, Central High School and the Arizona Football Community was devastated with the loss of 2021 Defensive Standout Corvel Simmons to an horrific event. I spoke with Central Offensive Coordinator, Coach Mat Allen, who was like a father to Corvel. Allen couldn’t hold back emotion when saying “That’s my guy”. 

Offensive Coordinator Coach Allen instructing 2023 QB Dominik Bagchi

Offensive Coordinator Coach Allen instructing 2023 QB Dominik Bagchi

So how does Head Coach Chandler Hovik keep it together? When asked this question, Hovik answered “This is a family, These players lost brothers, not teammates. We as a staff lost children, not players. I keep teaching my boys that there is more to life than football. This is proof.” We tried to redirect the interview with Hovik away from the tragedy and onto football but you can see it was not easy for him. A few things that he was able to point out was how proud he was that this was the first season in four years the Bobcats would be fielding a Freshman/JV/Varsity Team with over 80 players in the program. 

Hovik gives credit to his administration. “It’s been a great help this year being on campus full time.” Also on campus full time is Offensive Coordinator Mat Allen. “We need to be there for our boys during the day as well as football but it goes beyond that. I am always here for my guys.” Hovik went on to tell me that some people just don’t get it. Often you hear people say “hey this guy is a first generation college grad” and don’t get me wrong, that’s great, but Hovik said “some of my guys are first time high school grads in their family. This is all they have.”

Hovik went on to tell me about football camp. “We couldn’t go up north because of funds, but I came up with a great alternative. My parents have a large property, 1+ acres and we had a campout and campfire where the boys got to go around one by one and tell their story.” Without going into detail, these were not what you would expect to typically hear from 15-16 year old kids, but it is real. A lot of these kids have single parent households with some having no parent households and Hovik stated “It doesn’t matter. Everyone is equal to us.”

The Central Staff includes Coach Sammy Alcantar, Offensive Coordinator Mat Allen, OTB Mentor Coach Jay, Coach Buddah and Coach Salpina who actually was Hovik’s Coach. Hovik said “All of my guys have bought into playing life-changing roles to these young men and I am thankful for them.”

2023 QB Dominik Bagchi firing passes during Central’s practice Monday.

2023 QB Dominik Bagchi firing passes during Central’s practice Monday.

Some kids fear structure, where these Central players crave it. Hovik went on to tell us, one thing that proved to be huge for this team was the transfer in of former Notre Dame Prep Quarterback, Dominik Bagchi. “Dom grabbed the keys to the car on day 1 and these guys took to him. They are one family.” Bagchi is ready to lead this team into the opener against cross-town rival North High School but Bagchi definitely will have help which will include Senior Wideout Carter Allen who possesses freakish athleticism at 6’0 180lbs…. And oh yeah… 10 inch hands!

2023 QB Dominik Bagchi instructing 2022 WR Carter Allen on a play Monday at Central’s Practice.

2023 QB Dominik Bagchi instructing 2022 WR Carter Allen on a play Monday at Central’s Practice.

2022 Stand Out Wide Receiver, Carter Allen breaks free for a pass during Central’s practice Monday.

2022 Stand Out Wide Receiver, Carter Allen breaks free for a pass during Central’s practice Monday.

The running game will see a few different players getting touches and we feel great about our O-Line anchored by Senior Fred Fowlkes. I had a chance to talk with Fowlkes and he said “My coach is like my dad, we are one big family.” Fowlkes not only has a great attitude but great size at 6’2 260lbs… a definite prospect at the next level.  

DE Issac Duarte takes outside pass rush on veteran Right Tackle, Fred Folkes

DE Issac Duarte takes outside pass rush on veteran Right Tackle, Fred Folkes

The defense has so many athletes that we would run out of space but two guys who definitely caught my eye were 2023 Strong Safety Bobby Mckinney, 6’3 180lbs and 2022 Free Safety Kyiree Bell, 6’3 170lbs. These guys not only look the part but have great range and explosiveness. The Bobcats have added a 2024 African refugee named Izzy Foz… you better keep your eye on this kid!

2023 LB, Aaron Francis working on Defense Monday at Central High School. Francis states “this is the closest football team I have ever been a part of.”

2023 LB, Aaron Francis working on Defense Monday at Central High School. Francis states “this is the closest football team I have ever been a part of.”

Coach Jay takes time away from OTB Elite’s Mentorship to coach DB’s at Central High School. Pictured are 2023 Safety Bobby McKinney, 6’3 180lbs and 2022 Safety Kyiree Bell, 6’3 170lbs

Coach Jay takes time away from OTB Elite’s Mentorship to coach DB’s at Central High School. Pictured are 2023 Safety Bobby McKinney, 6’3 180lbs and 2022 Safety Kyiree Bell, 6’3 170lbs

It was great practice. I was not only blown away by the togetherness of this team nor the leadership of these coaches but most importantly by the love that filled that field. Everytime a player or coach walked away, it wasn’t see ya later or “be good”…that includes when they said goodbye to me,  it was “be safe coach, love you”.

Below you will find go fund me links to help out both families and the My Recruits Gives Back donation link for the Central Football Team. 

My Recruits Gives Back - Select Central High School Football from the dropdown:

Quortez Conley Go Fund Me:

Corvel Simmons Go Fund Me:


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